force field sticky rice [mango sticky rice with blueberry sauce]


In the right hands, the Force Field can be a very dangerous tool used to rip apart and isolate opposing armies. It doesn’t really get that much use in a PvP scenarios as Guardian Shield is much more useful (plus, you usually don’t have an abundance of Sentries in PvP anyway).

I personally have watched my glorious Terran reach an untimely demise due my poor micro which led to my Marauders and Marines smashing their dumb faces on an invisible shield. Should’ve waited for Medivacs…

Unlike your standard Force Felds, these Thai-inspired Force Fields will always be a welcomed treat in your base.

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drunken infestors [wine poached pears]


If you’re a Zerg player, you will understand how critical Infestors can be in your unit composition. For Terran and Protoss players, you’ll know how difficult it can be to defeat a Zerg player who skillfully uses their Infestors. Despite the recent balance changes to Infestors for Heart of the Swarm, they still play a key role in the mid and late game.

In the right hands, the Infestor can be a very cost effective unit. If you can sneak a few burrowed Infestor’s into your opponents base and throw out a ton of Infested Terrans, you can halter your opponent’s mining. This strategy was recently displayed in the RO32 match between KT.Rolster Flash and AcerBly at MLG Dallas 2013. If you don’t get caught, an Infested Terran attack on the mineral line can be pretty devastating.

If you’re an Infestor lover, then this recipe is for you! Take a break from campaign or multiplayer in Heart of the Swarm and reward yourself with this sweet treat.

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