jacinto seafood stew [cioppino]


In an attempt to destroy the Locust and their home, the Hollow, the COG flooded their final stronghold. The once glorious and illustrious city of Jacinto sank beneath the waves and took the Hollow with it. The survivors took to the seas, traveling between safe refuges only to be quickly driven out by the Locusts. I’d like to assume that those traveling by sea managed to catch some fish and turn them into a big stew.

Fortunately, this ordeal happened on Sera and not Earth. No need to worry about scary old Locusts and Lambents here! On Earth, I can pleasantly sit in front of my Xbox and enjoy playing Gears of War while nibbling on some cioppino. Hopefully, no one will find an extremely viscous form of fuel that subsequently turns all those who are exposed to it into gigantic walking bombs. If that happens, I hope science is already has a working Hammer of Dawn ready to go. Take that, Locusts!

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