wishful essence [cauliflower bacon soup]


When I returned from E3 last week, I finally sat down and accomplished one of my greatest gaming achievements in a long time. With a lot of gracious help, I gained the last “ding” on my Demon Hunter. It felt pretty damn awesome.


It’s so awesome to not see exp bonuses from the “Mighty Blow”

That’s right — I’m officially Paragon 100. It was a long perilous road, which was made much longer by many many distractions. Some of those distractions rhyme with shmedditLOOK AT THIS GEM I FOUND.

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teemo’s triple mushroom soup [mushroom miso soup]


First thing’s first: I’m not the most experience League of Legends player out there. I literally have no idea what I’m doing. But, I’m learning slowly…

blog_mushroommiso_winningFigure 1.0: Winning

I play mainly ADC because it’s the easiest role for me. I’ve tried top and mid, but I definitely prefer ADC because I suck at top and mid because it suits my play style better.

With that being said, I’ve never actually played Teemo. I’ve played against many Teemos and they’ve all been thoroughly annoying. REALLY? DID YOU REALLY HAVE TO PUT A MUSHROOM THERE? Geez.

But, the most important thing is that I have his hat (the boyfriend acquired it from GDC ’13).
blog_mushroommiso_teemoAnd that’s the reason why this week’s recipe is dedicated to that terrifying little Yordle.

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