barcraft bites [hors d’oeuvres trifecta]


Over the weekend, I attended a BarCraft event at my friend’s home. We’ve had BarCraft events here before (with the occasional karaoke involved), but none of this caliber. Blizzard, being the awesome folks that they are, sent Ray some StarCraft swag to help with the festivities.


PRESENTS!! A GSL calendar, TONS of coasters, authenticators, stickers, and lanyards!

To prepare his bar for eSports, Ray put decorations honoring all of the international StarCraft teams.


Unlike Joeyray’s Bar on Mar Sara, Ray’s Bar in California does not stock Benson Cognek or Scotty Bolger’s Old No. 8, but there is a plethora of other fine spirits…

blog_barcraftbites_barNo shortage of refreshments here. 

In order to have a proper BarCraft, we had to have proper bar food and that was my job. I created a menu full of finger food that could be easily enjoyed with a beer-in-hand. Each race is proudly represented here in a very foodie fashion:


For Terran, I’ve created the Hellbat Sliders, turkey sliders with a spicy BBQ base and apple coleslaw. These hellbats won’t damage your economy.


For Zerg, I’ve created Swarm Host Bites, stuffed mushrooms with mozzarella cheese and Italian sausage. Warning, unlike in-game swarm hosts, these swarm host bites cause major splash damage!


Finally, for Protoss, I’ve created Tempest Croissants, prosciutto, spinach and mozzarella stuffed croissants. Let these croissants siege your taste buds.

These recipes are meant to be very simple and I will be taking some shortcuts in order to reduce the prep time and the ingredients list.

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muta and bane noodles [surf and turf garlic noodles]


I will admit that I have been playing a lot less StarCraft than I would like. I wouldn’t say that I’m entirely out of the loop because I do watch streams and various tournaments. One of my friends was kind enough to host an MLG Anaheim viewing party — it’s like your own private Barcraft!

I volunteered to cook and I decided to make these burgers. There may have been significantly more Jack Daniel’s than usual though. Oh well!

Tournament play showcases some of the latest and greatest builds from the top players. However, I really only pay attention to the Terran builds.  GLORIOUS HELLBAT MASTER RACE.


Like many Terrans, I love the sweet smell of hellion-roasted drones on a fine afternoon. But, after seeing the offerings Blizzard has at this years San Diego Comic-con, I may have to reconsider my stance on Zerg abuse.



I’m not a big convention-goer, so I’ve never been to or had the desire to go to Comic-Con. I honestly don’t think I could handle the insanity that is Comic-Con. But for those awesome folk who are in San Diego right now, I salute you and your tenacity!

Speaking of awesome folk, a few of my friends from Geek Panda Apparel have offered to rescue me a cute little plush zergling of my own! Amazing, right?! The zergling plush pretty darn adorable. Look at that smile!

So maybe I’m developing a soft spot for the zerg, which is why this recipe is goes out to the Swarm.

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